Minimum Requirements:
The company is aware of catering consumption, but it is not a focus on sustainability.
Action: |
Outcome: |
Der tilbydes i virksomheden frugtordning og ved julefrokoster og sommerfest, prøver vi på at være bevidste om indkøb af mad, så der ikke forekommer madspild |
Der er plads til forbedringer, i form af valg af leverandør |
The company focuses on reducing food waste and buying less meat, which also results in lower climate impact.
Sustainable Solutions:
The company has no food waste and buys organic where possible. The company is aware of the climate impact of their catering and works towards minimizing it.
Sustainable Growth:
All catering is at least organic, preferably biodynamic, seasonal, and supports diverse wildlife. All food scraps and waste are turned into nourishment and energy.